
There are twelve luncheons per year, usually held on the 3rd Friday of every month. The exception is the December Luncheon which is the first or second Friday. Occasionally, evening events are held. Dates may change due to Japanese national holidays.

Notices for events are sent out several times. All members are expected to respond even if only in the negative. Members need to check their attendance for accuracy. It is not necessary to respond to every notice.

When attending with guests, members are required to send the guest’s name when responding to the Event notice. Members are responsible for guests’ behaviour, dress code and in the event of a non-show payment of any fees incurred. (Note: restaurants now require set attendance numbers 3 days before the event. Cancellations within the three days up to the event will almost certainly incur no-show fees).

All Members are expected at least once a year to be the nominated speaker on food, white or red wine. Joke telling is welcome, especially if they are funny.

Non-response to Event notices, consistent absences from Events and/or missing three consecutive Events may result in suspension or loss of membership.